Tony's annual cranberry canoe trip!

Mike learns to steer....

Maneuvering the labyrinth of cranberry bogs...

Rachel, Stephie, Tony & Cory

Mmmm, cranberries!

Wrong turn :(

My precious!

The bog

Rachel seeking the easy pickins'
Sunset over stump pond
Here is the MAP of the trip.
Wow! Cool bog pickins! Have never seen the real thing before....only the berries floating on top of water for Ocean Spray cranberry juice commercials. Soooo....there's no real need to wear waterproof pants? :)
May I please sign up Baby Cayer for this trip when she's 6 years old or so? I think she will especially like it. Her ma could come, too... and maybe her dad? Yes, please reserve 3 spots (one canoe) for 2014 Cranberry Canoe Trip.
What did you make with the cranberries you picked?
Thank you for bringing these wonderful cranberries to the thanksgiving feast!!!
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