Here are some pictures from a backpacking trip over the weekend of October 20th. Heavy rains on Friday night added a certain degree of fun and excitement for the numerous river crossings, but the weather could not have been more perfect, 70 degrees and sunny! Folks on the trip; Sarah, Dan, Shakti, Eric, Trish, Cory and myself.

Where ever you go, there you are! [always a good time on Bennett Street]

Thank you global warming for a 75 degree autumn...

Cory and Trish enjoy summer temps with fall colors!

The beginning of the river rock hopping obstacle course

Sarah, Dan and Cory


Dan gives in to the river

Trish shows us how its done!

Sarah goes NUMB!

Fun Guy

Our camp - Flat Mt. Pond

Shakti, Eric and Cory enjoy some Sunday morning sun....

New Friends - Gus & Butters

Marshmellow/M&M infusion

Eric and Shakti stoke the fire